There is no need for a separate title as the note title will be used
Here is some introductory text.
Here is a note subheading
Here is some additional text under the new heading.
Here is a bulleted list:
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Here is a blockquote
Here is some text that's been italicised in the original note. Does it carry through? Let's find out!
I'm also going to try some Wiki-style links and see what happens. Here are the notes in this feed so far:
- Markdown RenderedMarkdown Rendered
This page contains a quick reference to all markdown properties. 90% of this was part of the Simple Jekyll theme, which we forked to built this one. Great job, makers!
By the way, how did you reac... - Welcome to the gardenWelcome to the garden
Welcome to digital garden using Obsidian and Jekyll garden theme. This file is located in _notes/Public. Check the demo , features to know more.
Check Hidden Note to know how to create note...